Tuesday 9 December 2014

  Study Notes
Chapter 9 Notes

Nutrition is the science of food and how the body uses it.
The body requires 3 MACRONUTRIENTS…Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates.
·        Carbs make up 55-60% of our daily caloric intake.
·         They yield 4 cal per gram.
·        Are both simple and complex or sugars and starches
·        Sugars include glucose, fructose, lactose, and sucrose
·        Starches are found in breads, vegs, rice.
·        Carbs are broken down and stored as an energy source Glycogen
·        We use 50% of our food energy to fuel brain activity

The Glycemic Index ranks carbs according to their effect on blood glucose level
·        Meat, fish, legumes, whole wheat pasta, rice, sweet potates are examples of Low GI foods that slowly raise the blood sugar
·        White bread, white rice, potates, fries are exxamples of High GI foods that raise blood sugar quickly and can be detrimental to health.

·        The main factor that determines of fats are healthy is the amount and type of Cholesterol. Cholestrol carriers are HDL (high dentisty lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein).  LDL carries cholesterol to the cells….and sometimes leaves it in the veins and artieries which eventually clog up. BAD  HDL carries to back to liver from the cells (removes it from the blood) GOOD

·        Are composed of chains Amino Acids, the building blocks of life.  There are 20 commonly recognized, naturally occurring amino acids. But 9 are essential.
·        There are complete proteins (animal products) and incomplete proteins (beans, nuts, Plant sources)
·        They make up 15% of our daily intake

Vitamins and Minerals and Water
·        Are organic substances
·        Water soluble C and B complex vitamins are not stored and are expelled in in urination
·        Fat soluble A, D, E, K are stored in fat
·        Minerals are inorganic and function as structural elements, act as catalysts in the release of energy, and regulate body function.
